Two Weeks to Go in WRYM's Annual Season of Giving! With only two weeks to go in our Season of Giving Campaign, we are thrilled to announce we have raised $11,005 of the available $30,000 in matching funds! We still need $18,995 in donations to take full advantage of the remaining matching funds, so please consider donating before December 31, 2023, at 11:59PM. Your donation will DOUBLE THE IMPACT in supporting youth to overcome homelessness and build new lives. To help showcase how big of an impact your donation makes, as of November 30, 2023, we have been able to achieve a 91% success rate in housing youth after our Transitional Housing Program, bringing our new 3-year average success rate to 89%! In total, we were able to support 102 at-risk youth between all of our different programs this year. This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the gracious generosity of our supporters and the dedication of staff and volunteers. So, this year’s Season of Giving is more important than ever for WRYM to continue to keep the same standard of success in supporting homeless youth. With the rising costs of inflation, the expense to end homelessness for youth continues to grow, and we must be there to meet the challenge. Remember for each $1 you donate, it’s $2 for WRYM until we reach our $30,000 in matching funds, so please consider donating to make a difference in a young man’s life. To make your donation, you can either drop off or mail a cheque/cash to the Windsor Residence for Young Men, 1505 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, ON N8X 4M3 or online at or visit our website at P.S. - Your donation does a lot of good. Check out our attached statistics for 2023 (until Nov 30, 2023), and see for yourself! Kindest regards,
- Jason
AuthorJason Weinberg Archives
January 2025