What if we weren’t here? ![]() Sometimes, we all just need a safe space and time to work things out. In one very recent situation, a young man named Jordan came to WRYM after a family conflict forced him into a position of homelessness. In addition to having nowhere to live, Jordan was very young, possessed significant developmental issues, had concerns with addiction, and did not have the life-skills or maturity necessary to navigate his situation alone. In response, WRYM brought Jordan into our Transitional Housing Program to provide him with safety and stability while determining what transition from homelessness may be available to him. After participating in some lessons of our Youth Independence Program and establishing appropriate goals to actualize his case management, Jordan decided that he wanted to gain employment and start providing for himself. Well, we are proud to report that not only was Jordan successful in acquiring employment, but his personal progress at WRYM was so extensive that his family was willing to have him return home for a successful reunification! In approximately one month, this very vulnerable youth went from unemployment and homelessness to beginning a job and living with family. Although Jordan himself deserves the credit for his accomplishments, the question must be asked - What if we weren’t here? What if he didn’t come to WRYM that first night? Where would Jordan have gone? What would the outcome be to him? Would he have ever made it home again? Wherever he might have gone, Jordan never needs to face that reality now. He won't need to walk into a shelter, roam the street at night, beg someone for a couch to crash on, or face even worse existences. On behalf of Jordan and the many others like him, thank you for helping us never having to answer that question - What if we weren’t here? Recent Shelter and Pandemic Press I am very concerned about possible confusion caused by the recent press our community’s homeless shelter system has acquired. I assure you, first, that WRYM is not a homeless shelter. WRYM is transitional housing - and we only succeed when youth admitted to our program are transitioned from homelessness, off the street, with the skills we have helped them to acquire. Second, with our policies, procedures and a bit of luck, we have not yet had a single case of COVID-19 among WRYM’s residents or staff! I’m not at WRYM now - but I haven’t left ! ![]() After much consideration and discussion with our President, Brian Worrall, and our Program Director, Jason Weinberg, I have submitted my resignation as the Executive Director of the Windsor Residence for Young Men. My recent neurosurgery has been effective in the sense that it seems to have stopped the neuropathy that was progressing in my limbs. I am even slowly gaining better use of same, to some extent. While I can now drive and engage in activities that are not strenuous, when I do I must wear a special neck brace with a plate to protect and support the sections of the back of my cervical vertebrae which were removed exposing my spinal cord. As a result, Jason has assumed my duties on site since the 15th of October, 2020; and, I have primarily been working remotely. I and the Board of Directors have been extremely impressed with Jason’s performance and are confident in his abilities. Consequently, we have unanimously agreed to promote him to the position of Executive Director in my place. I will remain as a consultant, Treasurer/bookkeeper and Netletter editor; but, not as the person staff need for on-site direction. While I certainly miss my interaction with WRYM’s staff and residents, I truly believe that both they, you and WRYM will be better served by Jason’s proven ability, talent and style. In my considered opinion, we are all fortunate to have Jason in his new position; and, I ask you to assist him in every way, as I will myself. SAVE THE DATE! WYRM'S 2ND ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 with TEE TIMES STARTING AT 1:00PM ROCHESTER PLACE GOLF CLUB, 981 COUNTY RD.2, BELLE RIVER, ON, N0R 1A0 Netletter Subscription If you know anyone who you think would like to be a subscriber to this netletter, have them email me at [email protected] and I will put them on our distribution list. Greg
Gregory D. Goulin, LSM, JD (ret.) Founder & Treasurer, (pro bono), The Windsor Residence for Young Men
AuthorJason Weinberg Archives
January 2025