Evin’s Saga Continues I last reported to you that Evin had made contact with his mother who was safe in another country. Since then, Evin’s brother has joined us at WRYM through the efforts of Matthew House; and, as we thought, now permitted to work, Evin immediately found basic employment. It’s all a start on a new life. Yard Sale (But not in our Yard!) We would like to extend our appreciation to the congregation of St. Mark’s by-the-Lake Anglican Church for allowing WRYM to use their church hall and parking lot for a yard sale on Saturday, June 9th, 8am – 12noon. Please see the attached flyer for details. Donations are not accepted at WRYM. Please feel free to circulate our yard sale flyer! ![]()
Home Depot Orange Door Campaign May 31 to June 24- Walker and Division Road Store The Orange Door Project fundraising campaign is taking place at all The Home Depot stores across Canada. Buy a $2 ‘paper door’ at the checkout or donate online. 100% of funds raised at the Walker and Division Road Store in Windsor will benefit the Windsor Residence for Young Men. Together, we can put an end to youth homelessness in Canada. Donate and learn more at orangedoorproject.ca Special Thanks Goes To... Motor City Community Credit Union for sponsoring and John Fuerth of Capone’s for hosting “Celebrate Mothers”. Volunteers and donors who again made our Garden Day at WRYM a success, (greatly improving our front yard after sewer repairs) and CTV local news for covering our efforts to promote the mental health benefits of gardening with “our guys.” Lee & Maria’s for locally grown produce delivered weekly in a Lee’s Harvest Bin Mark MacInnis of MacInnis Contracting Services for repairing the damage to our kitchen floor caused by our dishwasher. Mike Salive of Sun-Parlour Weed & Spider for continuing to assist our guys in maintaining our weed free lawns. Present Needs We now have a new dishwasher and an emergency pull-out bed/couch in our recreation room. Just 3 more bookcases and we’ll be back to “normal” (whatever that state may be)! Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime. Gregory D. Goulin, LSM, JD
Executive Director, (pro bono)
AuthorJason Weinberg Archives
January 2025