A Rough Night Out – Better With Friends We are thrilled to announce that WRYM's Rough Night Out 2024 raised approximately $6,000, due to a brave an growing group of participants! From one of our Past-Presidents to Past-Residents, and even an energetic group of St. Clair College students, we were amazed at the support of those who spent the night outside in support of homeless youth. Click below for more information and photos!
Our 2023 Program Statistics Want to learn more about the type of youth WRYM helps or the results we achieve? Check out our recently published 2023 statistics below (spoiler alert – our programs work!)
Rough Night Out 2024 is Happening!!! Every February, brave volunteers spend the night outside in the cold, snow, wind, and darkness (as youth experiencing homelessness may sometimes have to do) in order to raise awareness and funds for WRYM's housing services. This year, you can choose to do Rough Night Out your way! Whether you prefer to take the challenge alone or would rather join our President, Vice President, and myself at WRYM, the location is up to you. If for any reason you deem the outdoor challenge is not feasible or safe, you can remain indoors for a "wake-a-thon". We simply ask that all participants remain safe, sign up on our Rough Night Out page, and consider seeking pledges for their participation in the fundraiser. We will be offering some awesome WRYM "swag" to participants or teams who raise $500 or more! Please see the attachment for more information or check out the link below. If you would rather support one of our teams than take the challenge yourself, you can make a pledge to a team or a donation to the event itself: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-windsor-residence-for-young-men/p2p/rno2024/ Season of Giving was a MASSIVE Success! We started with $10,000 in matching pledges from Capital Power, and ended with $67,767 in total donations! What an amazing result! In addition to Capital Power, we want to acknowledge the Basilian Fathers in Sandwich Ontario and Don/Maureen Gordon who all came together to make up our group of matching donors. It is always amazing to see how the holiday season inspires such generosity, and we thank every donor and volunteer for helping us keep ending homelessness for youth and supporting our campaign. Our Netletter is Changing! Next month, we will be reformatting the WRYM Netletter to be able to easily build in images and links to our content, as well as to make it more visually appealing! This reformat will make it more enjoyable and efficient to look through what is happening here at WRYM, and we welcome any feedback you have. We will still be sending the Netletter from this email address each month, with a focus on WRYM stories, events, and relevant information. As always, you can unsubscribe anytime as seen at the bottom of each email. P.s. - every day WRYM makes a life changing difference for a young person struggling. We thank you for empowering this amazing place. Kind regards, - Jason Two Weeks to Go in WRYM's Annual Season of Giving! With only two weeks to go in our Season of Giving Campaign, we are thrilled to announce we have raised $11,005 of the available $30,000 in matching funds! We still need $18,995 in donations to take full advantage of the remaining matching funds, so please consider donating before December 31, 2023, at 11:59PM. Your donation will DOUBLE THE IMPACT in supporting youth to overcome homelessness and build new lives. To help showcase how big of an impact your donation makes, as of November 30, 2023, we have been able to achieve a 91% success rate in housing youth after our Transitional Housing Program, bringing our new 3-year average success rate to 89%! In total, we were able to support 102 at-risk youth between all of our different programs this year. This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the gracious generosity of our supporters and the dedication of staff and volunteers. So, this year’s Season of Giving is more important than ever for WRYM to continue to keep the same standard of success in supporting homeless youth. With the rising costs of inflation, the expense to end homelessness for youth continues to grow, and we must be there to meet the challenge. Remember for each $1 you donate, it’s $2 for WRYM until we reach our $30,000 in matching funds, so please consider donating to make a difference in a young man’s life. To make your donation, you can either drop off or mail a cheque/cash to the Windsor Residence for Young Men, 1505 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, ON N8X 4M3 or online at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/14648 or visit our website at www.wrym.ca. P.S. - Your donation does a lot of good. Check out our attached statistics for 2023 (until Nov 30, 2023), and see for yourself! Kindest regards,
- Jason Our "Season of Giving Campaign Kicks Off Tomorrow! Beginning with the national "Giving Tuesday" movement tomorrow, the Windsor Residence for Young Men is excited to announce that we have $15,000 dollars in matching funds available to double the impact of donations we receive throughout the holiday season. Thank you to Capital Power ($10,000), as well as Donald and Maureen Gordon ($5,000), who have made this pledge to make our campaign possible. Donations can be made online as found through the link below, or by mail/in-person donations made at our residence https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-windsor-residence-for-young-men/ Don't miss the chance to double the impact of your donation! This opportunity will end on January 1, 2024, or until the matching funds are exhausted! A Night to Remember On Thursday November 2, 2023, WRYM was proud to host an Awards Reception to thank the amazing donors, supporters, partners, and friends of our organization. This occasion was made particularly special in the hearts of our members, as our founder, Greg Goulin, was presented with a Legacy Award, to honour his 20+ years of dedication to ending homelessness for youth. Thank you to all of those who attended and supported this inspiring event and our volunteers who made it possible. Why Our Doors Are Orange! From Tuesday November 28th – Sunday December 17th, the Home Depot Canada customers across the country will be empowered to be a part of our giving campaign by being asked to make a $2, $5, or $10 donation in support of a local charity that provides housing and/or supportive services to homeless youth as part of their Orange Door Project. We are honored to announce that the Home Depot store at Division Road has selected WRYM as the beneficiary of this amazing effort. If you are in-store at Home Depot, please check out the beautiful display put on by the Division Road staff and consider helping us make this Orange Door Project the most successful yet!
We are blessed to have you as a support and thank you for reading this, - Jason Past Resident Update - Our Odd Couple In the fall of 2020, we were thrilled to tell you about our "odd couple," Oscar and Felix, who were friends in the residence that we were able to house together. Well, three years later, Oscar is still a quiet, carefree, and gentle soul; and, Felix is still as excitable as ever, with more projects on the go then there is time in the day. Although these two are still great friends, we are sad to say, it was time for a change! With the support of our Aftercare Worker, both young men were able to continue housing and find different options that they found preferable (with new roommates). Sometimes opposites don't attract! We feel this short update shows the impact our simple programs have in a youth's life. Three years after Oscar and Felix left WRYM, our staff were still there. When life changed, Oscar and Felix didn't need to return to a couch, the streets, or an emergency shelter, because they had the support they needed to find and continue their housing. For the 100+ youth served in Aftercare every year, we are preventing homelessness, not responding to it. WRYM's Awards Reception The Windsor Residence for Young Men will be hosting an Awards Reception on Thursday November 2, 2023, at the Ciociaro Club (Salon F), from 7:00PM to 9:00PM, to show our appreciation for the many individuals and businesses who have been instrumental in supporting us over the years. This event is free for attendees with appetizers provided. Space is still available to attend! During the event, we will be celebrating our founder Greg Goulin and his retirement from WRYM by honouring his 22+ years of volunteer service with a Legacy Award. Attached is a flyer for the Awards Reception. We are so pleased to announce that retired broadcaster Jim Crichton will be our Masters of Ceremony, and former CFL player Frank Renaud will be our keynote speaker. If you would like to attend this event, you can RSVP by email to [email protected]. Space is limited, so we will be accepting reservations on a "first come, first serve" basis. Please note, RSVP's are required for attendance. Thanksgiving for All We want to give thanks to all of our supporters, volunteers, donors, and champions who keep WRYM and our mission close to their hearts. It was incredibly heartwarming and inspiring yesterday to see the amazing group of youth who are here right now sitting together in our dining room sharing in the holiday as a "family" would. Without you, our supporters, partners, and donors, 7 youth would have spent last weekend in a position of homelessness, instead of at WRYM sharing a meal with new friends. Your support has truly helped change someone's life. Thank you. |
AuthorJason Weinberg Archives
January 2025